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Technical Description

Amara Boateng
Professor Jonathan McVey
ENG 21007: Writing for Engineering
February 18th, 2023
Final Technical Description of Staples Cardboard Box 50141
Introduction:The staple file box is a basic duty box for storing items that will be used, accessed, and moved infrequently. It can accommodate standard letters, legal-sized files, or paper-based documents; files and folders. This document is intended to provide a complete, accurate, and structured description for a manufacturer regarding production purposes.
Background: To understand this depiction, it is necessary to be aware of the nature and composition of a cardboard box. Typically composed of recycled paper and thick, ridged corrugated paper sandwiched between two liners, cardboard boxes are often employed for the convenient storage and transport of large quantities of files or documents. All measurements and figures presented in this document are approximations and are provided to the best of our ability. The units of measurement for all figures will be shown in inches (“), pounds (lbs.), or as otherwise specified.


  1. Dimensions:
    •  16.25″L x 12.5″W x 10.5″H
    • Rectangular Box
    • Sided box with lid

     2.  Materials:

    •  Corrugated cardboard
    •  Ink
    •  Adhesive
    •   Sharp tool for cutting
    •  Tools of measure
    •  60% recyclable and 50 % post-consumer waste
     3. Structure:
    • Shape 
      • Rectangular
    • Lid
      • Lift-off lid: provides easy access, prevents dust and debris that can accrue during storage.
      • Lid can be constructed /removal
      •  Corrugated Cardboard
      • White in color
    •  Base
      • Five-sided box
      • Double end-panel construction with cutout reinforced grip handles
      • Slanted line angle design underneath
      • Filled box can have up to 350 lbs., stacked on top of it
      • Weight capacity: up to 50lbs

4. Printing

    • Colors:
      •  Exterior Base Coat, white ink
      •  Interior is uncoated, brown cardboard color
      • Matte Finish
Figure 1: Shows its color and inner composition. Inside is brown and white. The white inner fold panel has instructions on how to fold the box.

5. Designs

    •  Overview
      • Stackable
      •  Easy assembly
    • Bottom
      • “U.S. Patent No. 5,850,964” in black ink, small text (Lower Left Corner)
      • 60% inside Recycle symbol & “50% PCW” under in black ink (Lower Right Corner)
      • Slanted Diagonal line (indentation forms >80)
Figure 2: Depicts identical front and back ends of box.
    • Front & Back End
      • “50141” in black ink, bold text (Lower Left Corner)
      • “Staples logo” in red ink (Lower Right Corner)
      • Figure 3: Depicts identical front and back ends of box.

6. Right & Left Ends

    • Rectangular shape at the middle in black ink (divided into three sections horizontally)
    • The first horizontal section is divided 5 vertically into 5 square shapes.
    • Vertically square section labels
      • Box No.
      • Box Location
      • Destroy Date
      • From
      • To
    • Labeled, “Contents” (centered at the middle section horizontally)
    • The centered section is two times that of the top and down section.
    • “50141” in black ink, bold text (left side of the down horizontal section)
    • “Staples logo” in red ink (right side of the down horizontal section)
Figure 4: Depicts identical left and right ends of box.

7. Texture:

    • Smooth

8. Resistance:

    • Non-weather resistant


This document offers a comprehensive description of the product’s characteristics, usage, and how-to guide. To construct the box, it is essential to measure all sides accurately. The box consists of a five-sided structure, excluding the lid, that includes a double end panel, two grip handle panels, two identical sides, and a bottom panel featuring two flaps. The instructions for box construction can be found on the inside of the flaps. Following these instructions will be beneficial for customers. During the assembly of the cardboard box, the bottom panels should be opened and flattened to form the shape of the box, and packaging tape can be used to seal the openings securely.

References: (MLA Formatting, links embedded) “Staples Basic Duty Storage Boxes, Letter/Legal Size, 10/Pk.”

Eickelman, Lexy. “What Are Corrugated Boxes? the Different Uses and Types of Corrugated Packaging

Jamestown Container: Corrugated Packaging Solutions.” Jamestown Container | Corrugated Packaging

Solutions, Jamestown Container Companies, 15 June 2020, www.jamestowncontainer.

Search, Industrial Quick. “Cardboard Boxes.” Types, Materials, Construction, Benefits, Industrial Quick Search,

“Staples BASIC-Duty File Box, Lift off Lid, Letter/Legal, White/Black, 10/Pack (TR59208): Staples.”, STAPLES,

 Use Channel, The Stuff I. “✅ How to Use Staples Economy Storage and File Boxes Review.” YouTube, The Stuff I Use Channel, 17 Sept. 2018,